Back in November 2005, one woman chose to plant trees in fond memory of her husband who had just passed away. The trees thus planted would be a living legacy of the loving couple. She went knocking on her neighbour's doors, asking if they would be willing to adopt a tree, that she would plant for them, for free. People opened their doors and hearts to the offer of ��free trees�� and thus was born, Rajanet Yegneswaran Charitable Trust, which was simply called "trees for free".
Thirteen years and thousands of trees later, the name was changed to "reforest india" to widen the circle of impact. reforest india continues to be a fully-volunteer run charity, driven by the inherent kindness of people and the deep-rooted human belief in the power of trees to heal mother earth. After all, planting a tree is the single most effective action any individual or organisation can take to cool the globe and heal the world. As the volunteers say, "To save the planet, call janet!"